A few years ago, my pilates teacher introduced me to "cleanse water" with lemon and cayenne pepper, which has become part of my daily routine. Plain water has never been my thing, and this combination makes it much easier to up my intake.
Variations of this lemon and cayenne drink are nothing new. In fact, this tonic has actually been around since the 1940s!
So, does it work? Well, anecdotal evidence and lemon water advocates claim that drinking this cleanse water will help your body get rid of toxins, lose weight, and enjoy improved energy.
In terms of actual science, though, there is little compelling research to support the efficacy of detox cleanses or even the need for internal cleansing [source]. It is the liver and kidneys’ job to rid the body of toxins, and they're great at what they do best!
Still, there are plenty of reasons to be drinking lemon water. For one thing, it’s tasty! And one of the most effective ways to actually support your body in its natural detoxification process is to be well-hydrated, so lemon water is perfect for that.
10 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water
1. Lemon juice and cayenne pepper are both immune boosters; the extra vitamin C from the lemon juice helps your immune system cope when you're stressed [source]
2. Cayenne contains carotenoids with their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties [source]
3. Lemons can help soothe indigestion
4. Being well-hydrated fights hunger and sugar cravings
5. Cayenne pepper improves circulation, so your cells get more nutrients [source]
6. Lemon is packed with antioxidants that keep your skin healthy [source]
7. Lemon water can help fight gingivitis and keep your breath fresh
8. If you're trying to cut caffeine in the morning, a mug of hot lemon water can help you wean off
9. Lemons contain flavonoids that have been seen to have antibiotic effects [source]
10. Lemon extracts were shown to be calming to the body [source]
How to Make Cleanse Water
My go-to infused water recipe is the juice of half of a lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper added to water (hot or cold). Add a few chopped slices of ginger for more detox and weight loss benefits (yes, please!).
I usually make lemon juice ice cubes because I cannot get my act together enough to actually squeeze a lemon before coffee.
You can add a tablespoon or so of honey for a touch of sweetness. I'll make a big water bottle of this in the morning and drink throughout the day.
It's perfect for banishing afternoon sugar cravings—definitely my biggest weakness! My goal is 64 ounces of water per day, but I'll be honest, I'm pretty happy when I finish 32 ounces.
What are your tricks for drinking more water?
📖 Recipe
Easy Cleanse Water Recipe
- Glass of water or mug of hot water
- ½ lemon
- dash cayenne pepper
- few slices chopped ginger optional
- 1 tablespoon honey optional
- Squeeze half of a lemon and add a dash of cayenne pepper to your water, then stir.
- Add in ginger and honey if desired.
This post was medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon, M.D., a university-trained obstetrician/gynecologist with 19 years of clinical experience. Learn more about Hello Glow's medical review board here. As always, this is not personal medical advice, and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Photos by Ana-Maria Stanciu
Victoria Drake says
You can take garlic for bacterial infections. I have totally gotten rid of strep with that..a whole clove..minced and taken every hour for 8 hours or til better. It's worked every time..along with the lemon drink with cayenne above.
Jeffrey E. says
I found drinking 62 oz of water with lemon, really helps keep my carb / sugar cravings down dramatically. Oh and Epstein didn't hang himself.
Nicole says
Hi, just a correction but strep is bacterial. Wouldn’t want people thinking they can get rid of strep with a drink. But I drink this all the time and rarely get sick
Victoria Drake says
You can take garlic for bacterial infections. I have totally gotten rid of strep with that..a whole clove..minced and taken every hour for 8 hours or til better. It's worked every time..along with the lemon drink with cayenne above.
Celia Morrow says
I have been enjoying lemon water for many years. Now I will start adding the rest of the ingredients except probably not the honey. Do you swallow the ginger if using? I'm guessing not. Also, can limes be used in place of lemons? I squeeze fresh lemons and limes by the bag and freeze in ice cube trays. I have quite a bit of lime to use up.
Charhonda Taylor says
This is a nice idea cause thete is some people who don't drink water or drink plain water, so continue with detox water. Thank you and have blessed day.
Roxanne Murray says
I have been drinking the master cleanse daily for a couple of months. I feel like I am addicted to the stuff, it really curbs my appetite, gives me energy and I do not get leg cramps at night anymore because I am thoroughly hydrated. JUST DO IT!!!!
amirastar says
This is very similar to the master cleanse. The only diff is instead of honey you use maple syrup. The drink itself is highly effective but the taste is not so great. I prefer ice cold water with sliced lemons. I am no big fan of drinking water but I can jug down 500 ml in one sitting with my fresh lemon.
Tatiana says
Just an FYI - your #9 is completely misleading. Strep throat is not a viral infection. It's a bacterial infection, which cleanse water will not cure. Only antibiotics can do that.
Kathy says
I agree with the viral/bacteria statement. However compounds in this recipe are antimicrobial.
Lolo says
When I was a broke server, every time my throat started to feel sore because I was getting sick, I would suck on a lemon from the fridge in the restaurant since they were available and it would actually prevent me from getting sick or feeling any worse.
Vicky T says
Thank you SO much for this recipe!
Sherry says
I don't need to lose weight but I also have trouble drinking plain water. I have also been really aware of my sugar intake (added or processed) after my father was diagnosed with diabetes, and I've realized that I have been consuming and drinking WAY more than is "recommended" daily... In fact, most products out there have more than 25g per serving, sometimes double. It's crazy. I've cut back on my sugar intake and now find that most foods and drinks with sugar in them even make me sick now, and things I once consumed a ton of are now just too syrupy or sweet for me.
But plain water throughout the day has never been my thing, even though I find myself enjoying it more than I used to. I've found that Izze and other similar sparkling fruit juice drinks are growing in popularity though, and what's great is they are natural sugars, not added, because all they contain are pretty much fruit juice and sparkling water. So now I have been getting those and any other similar products at my local market and stocking up at home and at work. I LOVE fruit so the combo of fruit and water has been excellent for me. It's like having a soft drink without all the added sugar. :D
What's also great is that (sorry, TMI incoming), my urine is also clear after drinking sparkling water/fruit juice all day, which wasn't the case for me when drinking soda and other syrupy type drinks. So I guess that's how I drink more water without having to drink nothing BUT water.
Vanisha's Life in...Australia says
I've never done a cleanse but I've book marked this, I might have to give it a go. I drink water but usually with a slice of lemon or sparkling water with a slice of lemon :)
gerbermom says
For the first time, definitely go easy on the cayenne - it takes a bit of getting used to but then you'll love it!
Donna says
I did the Master Cleanse for 10 days, using the lemons, cayenne pepper, and pure maple syrup. The first day, I thought it tasted terrible but then I couldn't get enough. I drank it at room temperature during the day, and at night I would drink it heated, like soup. I didn't do it to lose weight, but I lost 12 pounds in the process. I immediately regained the weight as soon as I started eating solid foods, but I felt incredible (but only after the fifth or sixth day.) I would definitely do it again...someday!
Amanda says
I have tried this cleanse..in fact, after 3 days my husband caved and started eating baby food banana's to make it through..we lasted 5 days and gave up! I generally drink 70+ oz. of water during the day (work day) and another 20 at home after work. I really, really like the cold pressed, crystallized lemon and lime product (True Lemon and True Lime.) It is unsweetened and no artificial sweetener either...and best yet, you can carry it in your purse and have it whenever you need it. It certainly makes drinking so much water a lot easier!
Joen says
Not brave enough for a full cleanse either, however I will try your water recipe and drinking throughout the day sounds like a good plan.
Susanna says
Not sure I can mix cayenne pepper with my water, but I'll try :)
elle sees says
if the water is ice cold, i'll drink it. i had a kidney infection recently, so this made me learn to tolerate water.
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies says
My first attempt at a cleanse was a distaster but I feel so gross lately from cooking (and eating!) so much that I'm thinking about trying it again in a few weeks. I could never do the Master Cleanse though--that is way too hardcore for me. I love the lemon drink, but I couldn't drink nothing but that for such a long time!
cat says
Lemon! Ginger!
I love both and, having them ready, I immediately tried this - though not for cleansing reasons ;)
It's very refreshing. The cayenne burns on my lips, so I will leave it out next time.
Thank you for sharing this!
Maddie Richardson says
Yes! I am currently doing the 30 Day Isagenix cleanse, and I have to say... I am loving it! first 3-5 days were hard... But now I feel on fire!! I may definitely incorporate this lovely recipe into my daily diet once I am complete with this major cleanse! Thanks so much for sharing.