Does anyone else totally stress out about snacking? As I'm sitting here writing this, my mind keeps wandering to my cupboards and making a mental list of snacks I need to get next time I go shopping.
Nothing is worse than being hungry and snack-less (that feeling that your body is going to shut down is pretty much the worst), and having healthy but satisfying snacks around is the best way to avoid overeating later.
10 Healthy Snack Food Combos
It's not just how often we eat—it's the quality of the foods we eat and how we combine them that can help sustain us longer and avoid the dreaded feeling of being “hangry.” Here are 10 healthy snacks, including foods that are better when paired together.
1. Almonds + Greek Yogurt
This is a great morning snack, as the protein from almonds and yogurt will keep you feeling satisfied until lunch. Almonds also have healthy fats, mood-boosting magnesium, and fiber. Make sure to choose plain yogurt to avoid the added sugar, which is usually several teaspoons worth. Just add a tiny bit of maple syrup or raw honey or even fresh fruit to sweeten if desired.
2. Tomatoes + Avocados
Um, salsa and guac, anyone? Loading up on chips probably doesn't qualify as a healthy snack, but make a quick salad out of chopped tomato and avocado, then add a little lime juice, cumin, and salt. (We won't tell if you dip a couple of chips in there.)
3. Oatmeal + Pumpkin Seeds
Oatmeal keeps you happily full for hours; pumpkin seeds are perfectly crunchy and full of feel-good magnesium, protein, and healthy fats.
4. Apple Slices + Peanut Butter
Apples have simple carbs packed in fiber to get you moving, and peanut butter adds protein and a nice sweet-salty flavor.
5. Green Smoothie + Wheat Germ
Wheat germ has complex carbs, protein, minerals, and antioxidants, while greens have protein, vitamins, phytonutrients—and too many other benefits to name! Add protein powder, yogurt, soaked nuts, or cooked and cooled grains or beans to your green smoothie for even more sustenance.
6. Egg + Avocado
Eggs are a surefire way to stay full and keep your energy up; avocado adds antioxidants, unsaturated (a.k.a., good) fat, protein, and fiber. Keep hard-boiled eggs on hand in the fridge.
7. Sweet Potato + Black Beans
Black beans are full of fiber and protein, and sweet potatoes have minerals, tons of vitamin A and other carotenoids, antioxidants—and even more fiber to keep you full. Add a dollop of tahini on top, and it’ll be a snack that feels like a meal!
8. Veggie Chips + Hummus
Protein-rich hummus is a perfectly satisfying salty snack. Skip the pita chips, and opt for homemade veggie chips (like radish chips) to get more vitamins and minerals.
9. Chocolate Soy Milk + Banana
Chocolate soy milk (you could also drink chocolate cow's milk, almond, cashew, or coconut milk) provides both protein and electrolytes like calcium and magnesium. A banana adds simple carbs, fiber, and potassium and helps keep you full.
10. Cottage Cheese + Fruit
Bodybuilders apparently love this snack. Cottage cheese is a great source of protein, and adding a little bit of fruit like grapes, peaches, berries, or kiwi adds antioxidants, vitamins, and just the right amount of simple carbs and fiber.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Gina Jansheski, a licensed, board-certified physician who has been practicing for more than 20 years. Learn more about Hello Glow's medical reviewers here. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
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