Whether you’re looking to amplify existing love vibrations, heal a broken heart, or clear your energy to make way for new love, there are crystals that can help. Our heart center gets particularly lit up by soft pink stones, passionate red stones, and the bright green crystals that align with its own color vibration. I reached out to Lady Samantha, Crystal Therapist, Astrologer, Wiccan, and owner of one of Toronto’s top crystal destinations, The Rock Store, for some expert advice on ways to use crystals in heart work.
Samantha believes strongly that choosing which crystals to work with is a very personal practice and says, “We all have different response systems when a new crystal or stone enters the energetic field.” She explains that the choice should not only take the color into account but “the chemical constitution of the stone and how the handler responds to it based on frequency.”
She adds, “when developing a new relationship with a crystal, having the stone with you as much as possible and using it in intentional meditation is key to establishing a communication channel. Crystals respond more with intended use.”
The Best Crystals for Love
Feeling ready to let the love in? The following list is by no means exhaustive, but it contains suggestions from among some of Samantha’s most successfully prescribed crystals as a Crystal Therapist.
For Self-Love: Rhodonite
Here’s a beautiful pink stone that’s helpful when focusing on self-love. It works to ease emotional stress and anxiety, opening us up to give and receive love more freely, and it also assists in boosting self-esteem.
For those who struggle with issues of self-worth, it can be hard to trust in love, which—as we know—can lead to all sorts of self-defeating behaviors. Learning to love ourselves is just as important as the heart-work we do in loving others, and carrying rhodonite close can serve as an important reminder of that truth. Rose quartz can also be a helpful crystal here.
For Improving an Existing Love Relationship: Pink tourmaline
Along with morganite and kunzite, Samantha suggests turning to pink tourmaline when working on strengthening existing love bonds. This is a helpful crystal during times of heavy emotional weight or distress when we need reassurance, heart support, and compassion, and according to her website, “it inspires trust in love,” and “promotes peace and relaxation.”
For Calling in New Love: Garnet
This deep, red stone is one of the best choices to help us call in love energy at the level of the root chakra, which is our internal source of stability, safety, and groundedness. It is also the place where secure attachment is forged.
For those of us with complicated attachment issues, who may deal with recurrent patterns of anxiety that arise whenever we try to get close to someone, it can be a sign that our root energy needs some work. Samantha recommends that singles looking for love combine garnet with rose quartz, rhodochrosite, and a clear quartz raw point and work with them together like ingredients in a recipe. This combo has led to some great results!
For Peace and Contentedness: Amethyst
Sometimes we need a stone that can help us establish a sense of balance in love, to feel a deeper sense of relaxation and peace, less struggle, and more contentedness. Amethyst has long been used as a stone of temperance and balance.
It is the go-to crystal for serenity and ease [source] and for staying optimistic about love. It’s a great stone to wear on the daily (try this DIY crystal bracelet!) or to place in the room of your home where you spend most of your time. Samantha has also recommended apophyllite for finding a more settled calm in love.
For Healing a Broken Heart: Rose quartz
This soft pink translucent “stone of gentle love” is probably the most well-known of the love crystal set. This is your best all-around love stone, as it helps to amplify love vibrations, ease tensions, and heal residual heartache.
This is my favorite stone to wear as a pendant because I like to feel its warmth as it hangs close to the heart. Other recommendations for working through heartbreak, heartache, and heart-healing include chrysoprase, green tourmaline, pink opal, and lepidolite.
Samantha also recommends a candle ceremony that can help to release stuck energy from around the heart that includes past hurts, past relationships, and their lessons, and will also activate your stones to help you heal. Gather the stones around an unlit candle and write down on paper whatever needs to be released that is inhibiting you from leaning in to love.
Sign it, date it, and read it aloud repeatedly until you feel the energy building, then light the candle and burn the paper. Allow the candle to continue burning all the way down (or as much as possible), and once finished, your stones have been activated to hold the healing energy, which is then yours to carry.
For Opening the Heart Chakra: Aventurine
Aventurine is a bright green type of quartz that strikes the vibration of the heart chakra [source], helping us to clear blockages and move stagnant energy lingering there. Place this stone upon the chest during meditation to assist with emotional healing, trust issues, and other barriers to love.
It is also said to be a lucky crystal, so having this one tucked away in your pocket would be a good choice for those looking for a serendipitous meet-cute.
For Passion and Play: Carnelian
Nothing hits the creative, passionate, and playful vibration of the second (sacral) chakra quite like the bright red/orange carnelian stone. Because its focus is on physical energy [source], this is a great choice for amplifying sexy energy in the bedroom, helping with sexual struggles or dysfunction, finding the courage to express love and passion, or just to get the creative fires burning!
Place your carnelian (or tangerine quartz or ruby) near your bed or in the bedroom next to a candle to help brighten and illuminate it further.
Ready to get down to work with your crystals?
According to Samantha, “crystal therapy is a practice that is based on frequency and vibration. To connect with a stone, what we are really attempting to do is create a resonant electromagnetic field where communication can be exchanged. The physical heart (not the heart chakra) is the primary processor in the body for electromagnetic energy.
Therefore, in all crystal meditations, I focus on drawing the energy of the stone into the physical heart first to create a resonant field with the stone, then allowing it to radiate everywhere else on the body. To me, it doesn’t matter where it is placed, the focus is on drawing [the energy] towards the physical heart in an effort to create a strong channel.”
Whether you’re looking to heal your heart, finding a way to be more compassionate towards yourself, learning to forgive another, invoking new love, or kicking up the sexy-time vibes in an existing partnership, explore a wide array of healing crystals. See how they help to transform your mindset and energy around all things love. To read more about healing crystals and how to use them, check out our article here.
Photos by Edz Norton and Gabby Conde
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